International Association of Researchers in the Language of Media Communication
is a voluntary association of professionals in the field of media linguistics.
The Association is a non-profit, professional scientific organization created at Saint Petersburg State University on the basis of the Institute “Higher School of Journalism and Mass Communications”. The Association conducts its activities in accordance with the principles of openness, equality of its members, self-government and the rule of law.
The Association is an international scientific community that unites linguists from different countries who study the language of media communication. The scientific basis of the Association’s activities is praxeological media linguistics, which involves the study of the paradigmatics of media speech resources, media texts, media discourses and the syntagmatics of media texts in media communication, as well as criticism of the use of multimodal resources in media communication. In scientific research, praxeological media linguistics interacts with a wide range of sciences: philosophy, psychology, sociology, anthropology, cultural studies, ethnology, history, computer science, and mathematics, which make it possible to conduct transdisciplinary research.
IARLMC pays great attention not only to scientific activities, but also to the development of the scientific community, creating viable conditions for the professional growth of young scientists and supporting beginning researchers.
The basic principles and rules for the functioning of the Association are defined in the Regulations of IARLMC, approved by the general meeting of members of the Association.